What is GABRIEL Collaboration Suite™ ?
Gabriel Collaboration Suite provides an integrated set of secure applications including Mail, Messaging, File Sharing & Sync, and Voice Calls. Each feature provides privacy, security and seamless cross-platform communications between trusted contacts. Protect peer-to-peer communications and data with military grade encryption. Communications on Gabriel are invisible to third parties, including VirnetX.
Our patented Gabriel Connection Technology™ combines industry standard encryption protocols with our patented techniques for automated domain name system (DNS) lookup mechanisms, enabling users to create a secure communication link using secure domain names.
Private & Secure Voice Calls
Private &
Secure Mail
Keep conversations private. Free* calling between desktop and mobile devices.
Provides secure VOIP capabilities from any Gabriel client.
Send and receive encrypted mail from your device to a recipient without requiring a 3rd-party mail server. No cyber threats. And best of all... NO SPAM.
Private & Secure Messaging
Send and receive text and files. All messages are secure to Gabriel users. Automatic & direct connection with military grade end-to-end encryption.
Private & Secure Share & Sync
Share content securely between trusted users and devices. Grant read/write access to desired folders. Securely sync files between devices.
Unique private and secure domain
*The Unique Private and Secure Domain is a completely private and secure address for your group, department or business (i.e. supergroup.scom). A private and secure domain name is issued for each member of the domain (i.e. bob.supergroup.scom). Gabriel Collaboration Suite users and 3rd party applications utilize Gabriel Secure domains to protect communications and information. Gabriel Secure Domain users are issued a dynamic and unique IP address upon connecting to any peer in the domain.
Gabriel Secure Gateway Services
**Gabriel Secure Gateway Services – Developers / integrators can secure IP enabled applications and devices using the Gabriel Secure Gateway Services without making any modifications other than directing communications through the secure gateway. IP devices installed on local/private networks can communicate securely over the public Internet using the Gabriel Security Platform without modification by using an externally provided Gabriel Secure Gateway Service. If the network service secured by Gabriel Secure Gateway Services is a web service, then Gabriel can act as a client to securely access the web service. On the server side, Gabriel does not need to reside on the same device as the secured service.